This week, Stephen T. Stone takes both top spots on the insightful side. In first place, it’s a comment about the FBI raid on Project Veritas:
What’s sad is that Project Veritas can now use this situation as a pretext to grift gullible moro…I mean, fundraise for future bullshit stories by (somewhat accurately) claiming persecution at the hands of Democrats. Even when they “lose”, they win.
In second place, it’s a comment about the trademark threat we received from North Face:
Hire dumbass lawyers, get dumbass results.
For editor’s choice on the insightful side, we start out with an anonymous response to a commenter who served up a tired old screed about doing anything the police tell you (and deserving whatever you get if you don’t) under the header “Ideas”:
More ideas:
Having an expired registration does not merit a death sentence.
Having marijuana in a car does not merit a death sentence.
Smoking marijuana in a car does not merit a death sentence.
Fleeing a traffic stop in which no weapon or other violence was involved does not merit a death sentence.I have seen daily duty reports submitted by police. I have seen many, many occasions where the duty report indicated that the officer terminated pursuit because circumstances dictated it became too dangerous to the community to continue.
The cop may have been doing his job, but he was doing it badly and he caused more harm than he prevented.
Next, it’s an anonymous comment about legacy media’s insistence that Facebook makes society worse:
Legacy media makes society worse by produing deliberately divisive ragebait (as if modern politics wasn’t too full of hate and division already). Facebook is where we see the results.
Over on the funny side, both our winners come from the post about the threat from North Face. In first place, it’s Thad with a thought about our response letter:
I’m not sure I would have had the self-control not to open with “Hey fuck-face”.
In second place, it’s MightyMetricBatman with a response to that comment, suggesting an addendum:
Don’t forget to add ‘Behave yourself accordingly.’ to the end of said letter.
For editor’s choice on the funny side, we start out one more comment from that post, this time from basstabs with a revision to the takedown letter:
“I, the undersigned, state under penalty of perjury, that I do not have any understanding of trademark infringement.”
Finally, it’s Pixelation with another take on the legacy media talking about Facebook, specifically a revision to our headline:
“Media Spends Years Making Society Worse; Then Trumpets A Poll Saying People Think Facebook Makes Society Worse”
That’s all for this week, folks!
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Author: Leigh Beadon