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Engineering firm sues to recover domain name

Company says a thief took the domain name it has been using for nearly two decades.

Picture of thief at laptop computerA California engineering firm has filed a lawsuit (pdf) to recover the domain name, which it says was stolen from it.

K.F. Davis Engineering has been using the domain name since it registered it in 2000. It alleges the domain name was stolen from its Network Solutions account this year.

Historical Whois records show that the domain was at Network Solutions in July of this year. The domain was renewed through 2023.

The first August record at DomainTools shows the registrar as Xiamen ChinaSource Internet Service Co., Ltd. Oddly, the registrar’s Whois now has a create date of August 20, 2019. (Verisign’s still shows 2000.)

Wiley Rein is assisting K.F. Davis Engineering with its in rem lawsuit to recover the domain name. It filed the dispute in U.S. District Court in Virginia, where .com registry Verisign is located.


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Author: Andrew Allemann

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