The price of .com domains is going up in September.
.Com domain name registry Verisign (NASDAQ: VRSN) announced today that it will increase the wholesale price it charges registrars for .com registrations and renewals from $7.85 to $8.39. The price hike will go into effect on September 1, 2021.
It’s the first year Verisign has been able to increase prices for .com domain names under new agreements it struck with the U.S. government and ICANN.
The company is allowed to increase prices by 7% this year and then each of the next three years. This means wholesale prices will be $10.26 in four years, assuming it takes advantage of each price increase and has to round down each increase to the nearest penny. On the company’s investor conference call today, it stated that it has to round down to the nearest penny.
Domain name registrars are free to charge whatever price they want, but many of them offer bulk customers prices below $8.39, so customers will certainly see price increases later this year.
Post link: Breaking: Verisign announces .com price hike to $8.39
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Author: Andrew Allemann