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Bari IP court annuls Sunworld Italian patent for Sugraone grape variety for lack of novelty
12 August 2024

Bari IP court annuls Sunworld Italian patent for Sugraone grape variety for lack of novelty

The Court of Bari in a ruling "declares the nullity of the Italian patent No.…

The Supreme Court of Cassation on the clauses limiting producers’ rights to harvest material
28 June 2024

The Supreme Court of Cassation on the clauses limiting producers’ rights to harvest material

Guest in the program "IL GRAFFIO," Roberto Manno lawyer explains the key-points of the recent…

Wild Ping vs Pink Lady: case history
2 May 2024

Wild Ping vs Pink Lady: case history

April 24th 2024, EUIPO Opposition No. B2225020, Pink Lady America Vs. Apple and Pear Australia…

Plant varieties: a clarification on patents, royalties and contracts
12 April 2024

Plant varieties: a clarification on patents, royalties and contracts interviewed lawyer Roberto Manno, founder of WebLegal firm and intellectual property expert at a…

EU Court of Justice defines limits of breeders’ rights over plant varieties
12 April 2024

EU Court of Justice defines limits of breeders’ rights over plant varieties

Interview with lawyer Roberto Manno on the December 19, 2019, ruling of the Court of…

The development of the CJEU case law in plant variety rights
12 February 2024

The development of the CJEU case law in plant variety rights

by Roberto Manno Abstract Plant Variety Rights (or Plant Breeders Rights) involve fundamental aspects of…

CPVO: Board of Appeal decision on Cripps Pink and Cripps Red Varieties 
19 January 2024

CPVO: Board of Appeal decision on Cripps Pink and Cripps Red Varieties 

With a landmark decision on 12 January 2024, the Board of Appeal (BoA) for the…

Decision in dispute CAC-UDRP-106074
23 January 2024

Decision in dispute CAC-UDRP-106074

Domain name: On 22 January 2024, acting as sole Panellist appointed by the Czech Arbitration…

ADR Center of the Czech Arbitration Court (CAC): AVAST-AVAST.COM
6 July 2020

ADR Center of the Czech Arbitration Court (CAC): AVAST-AVAST.COM

Identification of the rights The Complainant is one of the largest security software companies in…

Recent UDRP decision transfers already URS suspended domain names
7 September 2018

Recent UDRP decision transfers already URS suspended domain names

WebLegal’s founder Roberto Manno, appointed as the sole Panel in the UDRP before the Czech…

01/07/2017 – Presentazione di una domanda internazionale di brevetto
28 June 2017

01/07/2017 – Presentazione di una domanda internazionale di brevetto

  Si informa l’utenza che dal 1° Luglio 2017 per il deposito delle domande internazionali…

27 May 2017

Targeted recombination between homologous chromosomes for precise breeding in tomato

Fonte: Author:

25 May 2017

Additive QTLs on three chromosomes control flowering time in woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.)

Fonte: Author:

23 May 2017

The sunflower genome provides insights into oil metabolism, flowering and Asterid evolution

Fonte: Author:

18 May 2017

Fast diffusion of domesticated maize to temperate zones

Fonte: Author:, Decisione “CREDIT-AGRICOLE-L1.COM”
15 April 2017, Decisione “CREDIT-AGRICOLE-L1.COM”

Nelle decisioni rese in data 2 maggio e 22 aprile 2017 relativamente alle procedure per…

7 April 2017



2 February 2017

AT&T’s Downright Giddy About Weaker FCC Oversight And The Looming Death Of Net Neutrality

Source: AT&T is pretty damn excited about former Verizon lawyer Ajit Pai, Trump's new…

1 February 2017

Congress Prepares To Gut Net Neutrality With Bills Pretending To Save It

Source: As we've noted a few times, the Trump administration and new FCC boss…

7 January 2017

Finland Will Give 2000 Unemployed People $590 Every Month, No Strings Attached, Even After They Get A Job

Source: Back in 2015, a Techdirt Podcast explored the fascinating idea of a universal…

6 January 2017

Dispute – decision

On December 21, 2016 Roberto Manno, acting as the single member panelist appointed by MFSD to decide…

6 January 2017

Trademark Dispute Between Coffee Companies Over ‘Detroit’ Trademark Demonstrates The USPTO’s Carelessness

Source: It bears repeating: far too many of the trademark disputes we cover here…

23 December 2016

Genuine use of the trademark on the internet – class 38) proof of use – revocation under art.51(1)(1)(a) EUTMR

Decision n. 7476C of EUIPO deals with several interesting issues relating TM owner's obligation to put…

23 December 2016

“Second bite at the cherry” fails for

Source: Second UDRP for domain name is rejected. A National Arbitration Forum panelist has…

16 December 2016

ICANN wants to return to Puerto Rico, but don’t hold your breath

Source: ICANN reschedules Puerto Rico meeting for March 2018. ICANN plans to return to…

Arbitrator (Panelist) in UDRP Domain Name Disputes  ADR.EU – Czech Arbitration Court December 2016 –
9 December 2016

Arbitrator (Panelist) in UDRP Domain Name Disputes ADR.EU – Czech Arbitration Court December 2016 –

The UDRP (Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy) was adopted by ICANN (Internet Corporation for…

University of Bari – may 2, 2016
1 May 2016

University of Bari – may 2, 2016

The one-day event will be held at the University of Bari and will focus on…

Tactics and instruments against counterfeiting in the wine sector
6 October 2015

Tactics and instruments against counterfeiting in the wine sector

....Another key moment of the day was the seminar about the issue of counterfeit wines…

2 October 2015


OHIM Opposition Division - entirely rejected - Decisione
6 August 2015

Domain Name: – Parti: Calzaturifici Riuniti Elli SpA vs. Greda srl – Ente: MFSD…

Peters, Schönberger & Partner GbR
4 December 2014

Peters, Schönberger & Partner GbR

Complainant is the German law firm Peters, Schönberger & Partner GbR. Complainant filed complaint against…

2 December 2014

Mirza Juddani v. CDN Properties Incorporated CDN Properties Incorporated

DOMAIN: - Wipo Case No. D2014-1354 October 24, 2014 Read Decision

2 December 2014 – Wipo Case No. D2014-1349 – September 23, 2014

Complainant: Gamberoso Rosso Holding S.p.A. - Respondent:  CDN Properties Incorporated.

17 February 2012

La difesa dei diritti di proprietà varietale: il caso dei sequestri di fragole propagate illegalmente in Egitto.

Gli interventi doganali nei diversi paesi comunitari sono stati pianificati dallo studio Weblegal dell'Avv. Roberto…

18 November 2004

La “firma elettronica” non basta per identificare l’autore

La versione 1.1 delle Linee guida per l'utilizzo della firma digitale, elaborate dal CNIPA e…

17 June 2004

La firma elettronica non serve per l’identificazione

Nello schema di decreto legislativo "Codice dell'amministrazione digitale" sono contenute interessanti modifiche su aspetti fondamentali…

25 March 2004

Le “disarmonie comunitarie” del decreto Urbani

Numerose sono le critiche e i rilievi mossi nei confronti delle disposizioni previste dal decreto…

5 February 2004

La giurisprudenza europea sull’art. 5.2 della direttiva

Nel dibattito sul ricorso per decreto ingiuntivo accolto dal tribunale di Cuneo possono essere utili…

9 December 2003

Europa: a che punto sono le firme elettroniche? – 2

Proseguiamo la lettura dello studio comparato sulla firma digitale in Europa richiesto dalla Commissione europea…

27 November 2003

Europa: a che punto sono le firme elettroniche? – 1

E' stato pubblicato nei giorni scorsi un importante studio svolto dal centro interdisciplinare ICT dell'Università…

23 October 2003

Trusted computing e sudditanza europea

Sul numero di InterLex della scorsa settimana si solleva la questione della legittimità dei sistemi…

2 October 2003

Il diritto di cronaca sulle partite di calcio

Nota. Diversi tribunali italiani devono decidere su una complessa controversia che vede Telecom Italia Mobile…

26 September 2003

Brevetti e software: chiarezza e fatta?

... 24 settembre, il Parlamento europeo il ha approvato (in prima lettura, quindi non si…

24 July 2003

Firme qualificate, la Commissione indica gli standard

È stata pubblicata nella Gazzetta ufficiale dell'Unione europea, (serie L, 15 luglio 2003) la decisione…

3 July 2003

La firma digitale nel Regno Unito

Il recepimento della direttiva europea sulla firma digitale nel Regno Unito, patria del diritto consuetudinario…

26 June 2003

Valore probatorio: in Francia hanno fatto così

L'introduzione della firma digitale rivoluziona intere aree del diritto civile e del diritto della prova…

10 March 2003

Aste on line e miopia legislativa

Le aste on line, ovvero le piattaforme tecnologiche che permettono a distinti operatori di vendere…

16 January 2003

Il nome a dominio: oltre il marchio?

Con la sentenza del 26 febbraio 2002 del tribunale di Napoli, il nome a dominio…

17 April 2002

Il caso domini, marchi e diritti assoluti

Il signor Luca Armani, nel 1997, registrava il dominio internet "" che veniva utilizzato per…

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