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ISOC: .Org no longer for sale

Internet Society says it doesn’t plan to sell .org after ICANN rejects Ethos deal.

Logo for .org domain, featuring a blue circle with white letters spelling ORG

Internet Society (ISOC) has poured cold water on the idea that Ethos Capital might still be able to pull off a purchase of the .org top level domain.

In a post on today, ISOC President and CEO Andrew Sullivan wrote:

…Now that we know that ICANN believes its remit to be much larger than we believe it is, we can state this clearly: neither PIR nor any of its operations are for sale now, and the Internet Society will resist vigorously any suggestion that they ought to be.

Public Interest Registry, the non-profit that ISOC set up to operate .org, appears also to be moving on. CEO Jon Nevett released a statement today about how the company will continue to manage the top level domain.

I imagine PIR’s employees are ready to move on from the proposed sale. Industry sources told me they were “stuck” over the past six months due to the pending sale, unable to move forward with decisions they’d typically be able to make.

Post link: ISOC: .Org no longer for sale

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Author: Andrew Allemann

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