Numbers up slightly so far this year, but still represent a very small subset of domains.
Number of cases filed at WIPO through Q3 of each year.
The caseload of cybersquatting disputes at World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is trending upward so far in 2019.
2,723 cases were filed during the first three quarters of 2019, according to data on WIPO’s website. There were only 2,592 filed during this same period last year.
The chart above shows the total caseload during Q1-Q3 of each of the past five years. With the exception of 2016-2017, the number of filed cases has increased during the first three quarters of the year.
WIPO is just one of the organizations that handles cybersquatting disputes under UDRP, but it is the largest.
The total number of domains at issue is very small compared to all registered domains.
For example, through the latest update, 3,430 .com domains have been the subject of UDRP this year. There are 144 million registered .com domains, so only one in 42,000 .com domains have been the subject of a UDRP this year.
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Author: Andrew Allemann