DCCC registers domains that can be used to attack Republicans.
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the official campaign arm of the Democrats in the House of Representatives, has registered domain names containing Republican representatives and “town hall”. The five domain names registered on August 3 are:
comstocktownhall.com – Barbara Comstock (R-VA)
culbersontownhall.com – John Culberson (R-TX)
meehantownhall.com – Patrick Meehan (R-PA)
ryantownhall.com – Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI)
valadaotownhall.com – David Valadao (R-CA)
As of right now, the domain names resolve to a page that merely says “none”. That could be a knock on the lack of town halls, or it could just be a placeholder in preparation for future attacks on these politicians.
Representatives have been canceling town halls to avoid the ire of their constituents on a number of issues, particularly attempts to repeal Obamacare.
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Author: Andrew Allemann